God operates from the supernatural realm because he is in himself a supernatural God. The sovereignty of who God is cannot be questioned by any spiritual force lesser than he is. He is ultimately above
Prophet Samuel Shonga at the crossover overnight to 2013 |
A miracle is the result of supernatural display of power to create a desired need, and also to cause relevant changes as expected. Most often than not, an act of miracle cannot be explained by the human faculty of reasoning or logic.
Celebration at the crossover overnight |
demonstration of miracles is related to the manifestation of the reality of
Gods presence with supernatural evidence.
is also note worthy to understand that other deceptive counterfeit powers exist
which try to reproduce acts of miracles outside the origin of our Christian
faith and God.
and wonders denote phenomenal acts or incidents which are significant and have
desirable consequences. The use of these words in the bible is closely
associated with the demonstration of Gods might and power.
operates from the supernatural realm (dimension) because he is in himself a supernatural
God either to accomplish an objective
for someone’s benefit or for a specific event.
The application of
these terms vary in relevance and situations, miracle, signs and wonders point
to the awareness’ of gods supernatural ability to do the humanly impossible by
interfering with the course and elements of nature. Prophet Samuel ministering forensic prophecy & deliverance |
Glory be to the all mighty God for this year 2013 a year to experience Gods
power through the supernatural word of God and its power (Hebrews 11)
Army of conquerors would like to wish everybody a happy new year.To view our 2013 calender click here