Apostle Samuel Okito Shonga

The church will preach the good news of the salvation in Christ in order to win souls that would be expected to growth in knowledge of the rapture. The vision bearer is Apostle Samuel Okito Shonga

The church mission is to bring souls to Jesus Christ through repentance, healing and deliverance in order to experience abundant life of acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal savior; to stand through prayer warfare and having an understanding the word of God and all Gods’ blessings. 


 3.0         CHURCH AIMS

The church seeks to grow from its headquarter in Democratic Republic of Zambia –Ndola, and plant churches throughout the world in different countries. Other branches are in South Africa and DRCONGO.

The church will undertake the following activities:
§  Evangelize to the lost souls and provide spiritual counseling at the point of need of church members and visitors
§  Participate in social responsibility activities of the community through various projects such as for orphans and vulnerable children as well as other needy people
§  Undertake missionary work  to spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to many nations
§  Visit OVCs, prisoners, widows and widowers
§  Preach the word of God
§  Undertake missions locally and abroad


*      To preach the good news of salvation in Christ
*      To lead won souls to a sincere repentance
*      To build won souls to spiritual growth (maturity)
*      To promote humanity through Christian education, orphanages, health centers, schools, youth based activities and other cooperatives
*      To provide social responsibility activities through social works, farming, orphanages , health centers, schools, youth based activities and other cooperatives
*      To open new church missions locally and abroad.

The church wishes to declare the following stance:
§  It is not an organization for people
§  It is not a private company
§  It is not an individual company
§  It is not a political party
§  It is not a group of prayers
§  It is not peoples’ thoughts
§  It is not a Ministry
§  it is not a government branch or department

Our doctrine is a biblical one, all our principles and practices are from the Bible.

We believe in the following doctrines:

7.1             Bible, The bible from genesis to revelation is the only inspired (breathed) word of God through scriptures from both old and new testaments. The word is the inspiration of the word of God to men and women. (2 Timothy 3:13-17)

7.2             One True God, There is only one True God, who is revealed in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Mathews 3:13-17)

7.3             The humanity of deity of Jesus Christ is beyond doubt that Jesus Christ is a man (1Timothy 2:5) born of the virgin, rose from the dead, he was lifted up to heaven where he sits at the right hand of the father. His return on earth will be glory (Luke 24:5, Mark 16:19)

7.4             Sinful man: We believe that man is a sinner from the Garden of Eden. Who died for his sins and whom the blood brings about the purification (cleansing) [ Genesis 3:3-19; Hebrews 9:12-14; 1 John 1:17 ]
 7.5             Miracles, we believe in the miracles in the Bible, healing of the sick through prayers with the Holy Spirit.

7.6             The Holy Ghost, we believe in the Holy Spirit who gives different gifts to believers, it sow in them the divine seed through the new birth (John 3:9)
8.1             Resurrection of the dead, we believe in the resurrection of the dead and the final judgement in the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan (Luke 20: 35-36)

8.2             Testimony , the Christian testimony must be making disciples of all Nations (Matthews 28:19-20)

8.3             The head of the Church, Jesus alone is the master, the only Lord and saviour. Therefore a believer who fears God must conform himself totally submitted to his father.(Acts 20:28)

8.4             Therefore a Christian must live according to Jesus Christ’s prescriptions and follow his master’s example. (1 Cor 11:1; Eph 5:1)

8.5             We believe in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, and we pray in His name since he is the only Mediator between God and Men. (Rom 10:9)

8.6             Prayers which is breathing of the soul connects the Christian to God (John 15:4-5)

8.7             Baptism, We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is a want for every child of God in order to have the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit which is the divine tool for destroying the enemy. (John 3:3; Matt 3:11)

8.8             Baptism, We believe in the baptism by immersion in the water and the Lord’s super. (Matt 3:16)
9.1             Prophesies , We believe in prophesies which are a big contribution to the encouragement and comfort of the church and to teach the believers (1cor 14:1-3)

9.2             We believe in the Resurrection of the dead, the righteousness and wicked, to eternal for all the believers saved in Jesus Christ and to eternal punishment for all those names that shall not be found written  in the book of life (Rev 20:11-15)

9.3             We believe in the normal and evident use of tithe and offerings. (Mark 3:10; Thes 4:16-17)

9.4             We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. He will come from Heaven to Earth in person with Human body, visible and the church which is the new bride who will be caught up in the air to meet him. ( Acts 1:11; Titus 2:13; Mathews 16,17,24,25,30; Luke 21; John 1:14; 1Thes 4:16-17)

9.5             We refrain from the following practises:

*      Charms, witchcraft, Murder and magic (Acts 18:9-13; Luke 24: 10-23)
*      Any passive or active politics disguised in confessional activities
*      Any kind of polygamy (mark 10:8; Timothy 3:1-13)
*      Any kind of incision(cuts) on the body except for medical reasons (Acts 14:1)
*      Any kind of abortions (Mathews 5:21-22)

§          Prophesies , We believe in prophesies which are a big contribution to the encouragement and comfort of the church and to teach the believers (1cor 14:1-3)

    §         We believe in the Resurrection of the dead, the righteousness and wicked, to eternal for all the believers saved in Jesus Christ and to eternal punishment for all those names that shall not be found written  in the book of life (Rev 20:11-15)

            §  We believe in the normal and evident use of tithe and offerings. (Mark 3:10; Thes 4:16-17)

            §   We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. He will come from Heaven to Earth in person with Human body, visible and the church which is the new bride who will be caught up in the air to meet him. ( Acts 1:11; Titus 2:13; Mathews 16,17,24,25,30; Luke 21; John 1:14; 1Thes 4:16-17)

            §  We refrain from the following practises:

*      Charms, witchcraft, Murder and magic (Acts 18:9-13; Luke 24: 10-23)
*      Any passive or active politics disguised in confessional activities
*      Any kind of polygamy (mark 10:8; Timothy 3:1-13)
*      Any kind of incision(cuts) on the body except for medical reasons (Acts 14:1)
*      Any kind of abortions (Mathews 5:21-22)
*      To drink any kind of fermented wines and to practice orgies (Lev 10:9)
*      To erect or form any kind of stature representing divinities and their worship. (Lev 26:1) 
*      Does not encourage divorce (Malachi 2:15-16; matt 5:31-32; matt 19:9)

1.1             We believe in the gifts of the bible (1 Cor 1:7)

1.2             We believe in the ministries in the Bible (Eph 4:11-12)
The church is involved in the following projects:
§  Schools
§  Manufacturing companies
§  Business ventures
§  Farming
However, the church aims at providing these projects for the following categories of people:
§  Aged people
§  Orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs)
§  Widows and widowers
§  Prisoners