Multiplication of evil alter in any generation brings down God’s wrath upon such a generation
Anywhere idolatry is enthroned, the people in such places will be left under the mercy of the devil.Listerning to any other voice other than that of God is the beginning of idolatry, this is what Eve did and God counted it for Adam and Eve as sin. The multiplication of evil alters in any generation causes people to forsake and reduce their faith in God. The purpose of evil alters is to oppose the Holy alters of God and steal the people away from Him. Unchallenged evil alters cause a lot of problems to mankind and to the children of God, in particular it increases the battle of God‘s children and deny them the peace of God.
1. Unchallenged evil alters cause people to take wrong decisions in marriage.
2. It increases wickedness, evil thoughts and evil imagination; it also brings mass destruction of lives and properties
3. It causes people to live without God in this world
4. It causes people to despise God’s constituted authority
5. It causes occultic people to sin grievously against others and against God.
6. People who are living in generations where evil alters increase unchallenged, exhibit wickedness in the sight of God
7. Occultist people whose alters are not challenge oppress people of their generation without consideration
8. They, also like pharaoh can challenge the authority of God by saying ‘’who is God that I will let the children of Israel go free’’
9. In an area where evil alters increase unchallenged, the name of God is normally blasphemed with impurity by the heathen. Unchallenged evil altars causes Gods children to complain, murmur against one another and against God instead of engaging in prayers
10. Unchallenged evil alters move Gods children to fall a lusting remembering Egypt and desire a backward journey into the world
11. It can cause people to forget all the good things that God has done for them in the past
12. Unchallenged evil alters can cause rebellion and division in the congregation of the believers.
13. It can cause the gifted people of God to love money and prophecy for hire
14. Un challenged evil alters can cause the people of God to backslide suddenly, to compromise with sinners and die in sin
15. It can use Godly believers to be bold in sin whilst they are in the body of Christ
16. It can cause God’s children to loose the battle of life
17. It can cause believers to hear God’s word without observing it
18. Unchallenged evil alter can cause believers to gather material things without fighting the Lords’ battles
19. It can cause God to hand his people over to their spoilers to spoil them; Judges2:11-23; 3:7-8, 12-14
20. Unchallenged evil alters can cause God’s children to commit fornication, adultery, exhibit pride and other evil vices
21. Unchallenged evil alters can cause someone to love many strange women. It can turn them away from God; 1kings 12:25-33
22. Unchallenged evil alters causes people to sin, do evil in the sight of God, and provoke God to jealousy with their sin which is grievous above that of their fathers
23. Unchallenged evil alters will cause true children of God to suffer while the prophets of Baal are placed in a fat salary. It can increase more evil priest with multiple branches in evil prosperity, if care is not taken, the evil prophets can threaten the true prophets of God: 2 Chronicles 16:7-11
24. Unchallenged evil alters cause people to shed innocent blood; Jeremiah22:16-17
25. It can enter into the church ,change God’s judgment into wickedness and cause the people inside the church to be more wicked than the people in the world*Ezekiel 5:1-6
26. Unchallenged evil alter can take hold of the elders in the church and make them to stick to idolatry into death while still calling God’s name: Ezekiel 20:1-8, 4, and 9
27. Unchallenged evil alters can cause two fellow Christians to quarrel and refuse to setle.It can also cause people inside the church who are calling the name of the same God to shed blood: Ezekiel 35:1-5; Amos 1:9-11
28. Unchallenged evil alters in our generation has caused some people inside the church to sell righteousness for silver, the poor for a pair of shoes; it has caused a man and his father to go into the same mind. It has also increased human rituals for occultic people to enlarge their coast .Amos2:6:13
29. Believers of our generation must arise and challenge evil alters or else the whole church will be taken, many churches today are already being converted to evil alters.
30. There are many people today gathering in the name of God but without the obedience of the word of God; Mark 7a; 21-23
31. Unchallenged evil alters prophets and priest cause people to error, devices iniquity and work evil upon their beds, they covet fields and take them by violence:Micah 3:8-14]
32. Unchallenged evil alters and priest cast people into prisons spiritually and physically, they take evil counsel against Gods people.
Your own parents can decide to give you an evil load just because you refuse to bow to their alter you may also carry an evil load when you fail to challenge evil alters. Your boss may decide to give you an evil load just because you refuse to commit sin with him or her. Pastors can be set up by refusing to yield to the evil advances of the graceless ladies in the congregation. You may need to stay extra years in the school for failing to sell your body to pass your exams. An arrow can be fired into your health for refusing to compromise with an evil priest. Your business, marriage etc can be affected by refusing to sell your birthright on evil alters. Anything can take place in the evil alter to destroy uncompromising persons.
Many lives have been wasted on evil alters, in fact every problem of life starts from evil alters in this generation only those who know how to deal with evil alters can succeed as Christians.
v Oppression in the dreams; sex, slavery, eating etc in the dreams
v Inability to conceive or the experience of miscarriage s of pregnancies
v Persistent emotion breaks down; Unclean sexual through; Constant periodical sickness
v Menstrual manipulation attached; Evil growth e.g. cancer tumors fibroid; Untimely death
v Mysterious accidents; Unexplainable poverty; marital failures in families or infirmity and sickness beyond medical solutions
v Late marriage; mental problems being hated everywhere by all people, sudden destruction of all life investments
v Terrible demonic fears and intimidation, sleepless night and regular terrifying dreams
v Meeting wrong people in life who will only give you trouble; inability to settle down in any good things or place
v All manner of backwardness; destruction of good people around you leaving you alone to suffer
v Living under the mercy of your enemies; exposure to disaster all time
v Always being cut off from useful information; being confused in life; being tormented by evil alter demons
v Always feeling hopelessness, closure of every good door; consistent struggle under evil yokes
v People who fail to challenge their generation evil alters will remain suffering and may even miss heaven. A whole family, nation etc can be captured by evil alters and if they fail to do anything their condition will remain the worse; Judges 6:1-6
If you keep watching at your problem no one will deliver you. It is the will of God for you to be delivered from the captivity of evil alter, no matter how long they have held you down. You can start your own battle now and still win the enemy on the evil alter
Before we can effectively live life above evil powers in the evil alters we have to destroy those alters. We also need to build an alter unto the LORD our God, Gideon tried it and succeeded. God is interested in our pulling down all the ancient evil alters and scattering occultist groups around us; Judges 6:L25-26
Prayers against evil alters are not optional .every believer who wants to succeed in this life must destroy ancient alters and build a Holy alters unto the Lord. All the evil men occultism group all over the world cannot operate without an alter. For a believers to be successful in life such must understand the right war against evil alter and practice it with all determination, 2cor 10:3-5
Evil alters is a strong hold that every believer must a fight against; evil imaginations knowledge and evil wisdom of men in evil alters must be pulled down, for me to have the fullness of the glory of God in his life family ministry business job etc
2 Chronicles 16:7-11; 1kings 12:25-33(to turn many people from God)
Jeremiah 22:6-12; 30:16-17; 1John3:8
1. Blood of Jesus purify me now in the name of Jesus Christ
2. Blood of Jesus enter into any evil alter of my foundation and destroy them in the name of Jesus Christ
3. Any evil alter of curses containing my name for evil die by the blood of Jesus Christ
4. You evil alter of bondage break by the blood of Jesus Christ
5. Any evil done against my destiny so far through powers of evil alter be reversed by the blood of Jesus in the name Jesus name
1. Evil alter in fathers house eat the Holy Ghost fire and be destroyed in Jesus’ name
2. You evil alters containing evil sacrifice let the Holy ghost fire visit you ,wherever you are
3. Evil cry from your family alter let Holy Ghost fire burn them in the name of Jesus Christ in the blood of Jesus
4. Oh Holy Ghost fire arise and manifest your power as a man of war in any evil alters from father’s side and from my mother’s side written in my life ,the name of Jesus Christ in the blood of Jesus
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